Master the skills to code with vivocoder.com, we cover a wide range of topics that are highly in demand, preparing our members for the real world challenge.
Why should you learn to code? Coding is one of the most sought after skills in the market right now and we cover a broad range of topics to get you ready.
Number of exercises available for our members
Covering subjects from basic to advance.
Kickstart your ambition with us.
Coding with no experience? Not a problem! Our well structured courses have you covered. Here's some of what we offer.
Web Design
HTML, HTML 5, Basic CSS, Flexbox, Grid, BootStrap. Learn everything you need to take on the challenge of responsive web design. From basic to advance, you will acquire the skills needed to create stunning web pages.
Data Security & Quality Assurance
Advance Node, Express, HelmetJS, Chai. Understand the importance of data security, how to implement different solutions and perform audit for them. Data security is one of the most sough after skills in the tech industry.
Bug free!
You will have unlimited access to all of our topics and exercises. Our system provides the live feedback to the answers entered, you will know immediately if the answer entered is correct.
API and Microservices
Node, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose. Master the skills to create APIs, bringing applications together to perform designed functions through data sharing, one of the key skills in todays tech industry.
Still waiting?
Choose the most suitable pricing scheme that fits your needs.
Scholar Pass
/14 days
With 3 day trial for $1.99
Full Course Content
Unlimited Access during Subscription
/30 days
With 3 day trial for $1.99
Full Course Content
Premium Interview Courses
Unlimited Access during Subscription
Do you want to know more about vivocoder? Feel free & contact us!
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Koolbanq Ltd, 517 East Ocean Centre, 98 Granville Road, TST Kowloon, Hong Kong